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Ron Paul Takes Aim at Big Business
Ron Paul will hand everything over to big business
Ron Paul: "This bill is nothing more than subsidies for big corporations"
Ron Paul Big Business is Afraid They'll Loose Government Contracts
Ron Paul Says Barack Obama is "Not a Socialist" - Calls Him "Corporatist" Instead
Ron Paul: "This is why allocations to companies like Enron contributes to the bubble"
Ron Paul: "Enron had $1.6 billion worth of corporate welfare"
Ron Paul Freedom vs Big Corporations
The Economic Crisis On Our Doorstep (Ron Paul) - The Turney Collection -
RonPaul : NAU is "Managed Trade for Big Corporations"
Ron Paul On Regulations - MSNBC/Politico GOP Debate - 9/7/11
Ron Paul "Media Run by Corporate America" CNN Debate 1/19/12